August 22, 2016

Maze Runner Fanfiction- "Untold Futures part 8"

Hello! How was that little cliff hanger treating you? Not to fear because it's time for the next chapter! I hope it turned out to be all I hoped I would. If you like seeing Newt's point of view make sure to tell me in the comments and I'll try to do more of it!

Untold Futures part 8

~Newt’s pov~

Newt ran outside as quickly as possible and jumped on his motorcycle. He barely got his helmet strapped on before speeding down the road. Where he was going he didn't know, but he had to get out of there. He didn't even consider going home, just to be forced to talk with his mum’s co-workers. So he rode on, weaving through whatever road was ahead. 

He knew he was going way too fast, but he couldn't help himself. Newt was sad, disappointed, mad, but most of all embarrassed. The rumbling of the engine and wind tearing at his body helped to distract him. 

After what he guessed was about an hour Newt finally pulled into an empty parking lot. Ripping off his helmet he panted to catch his breath and calm down. He fumbled with the packet of cigarettes before finally bringing one up to his lips and breathed deeply. Almost instantly he was able to calm down and his heart rate slowed to a more healthy pace. After a minute of just sitting he dug out his cellphone. 

Text sent:
Hey, r u doing anything rn?

The Minster:
No y?

Text sent:
Can we meet somewhere? I need 2 talk

The Minster:
Sure, as long as ur not proposing ;) tell me where

Text sent:
I'm across the street from some coffee shop called The Maze, that good?

The Minster:
Yeah I know the place, be there in a sec

Text sent:
Thx mate

Newt sighed. If there was one person he could talk to it would be Minho. He admittedly didn't have many good friends yet, and he was definitely not talking to his mum. So he was going to have to deal with Minho’s snarky remarks. Talking about his feelings was not something he normally did, but he needed to make sure he wasn't crazy. 

He secured his motorcycle and stopped out already his second cigarette. The teen walked across the street to the coffee shop and went inside to wait for his friend. Newt ordered the only tea that was on the menu, earl grey, and sat down at a table in the corner. 

Not five minutes latter, Minho strode through the door and waved at Newt. The Asian gave his order to the barista, and sat down across from him with his cup. 

“Thanks for coming so quickly Min!” The blond greeted. 

“Hey, no problem. My parents were getting on my nerves anyways. So, I'm assuming this is about Thomas?” Minho questioned. 

“How did you know?” Newt asked, baffled. 

“Oh come on, you can't hide anything from me! Plus it's completely obvious that you like him. What else would get you this flustered?” Minho smirked. 

“Well apparently not bloody obvious enough, he didn't seem to know,” he mopped. “I mean, how more obvious could I be? I do him favors, I struggle through his chess club- it's the only hobby he seems to have, I invite him over, I go out of my way to be nice, and don't even get me started on Gally!” 

“Well, that's Thomas for you. He probably just thinks you have a strange fetish with playing games you suck at,” Minho joked. “So, are you going to tell me what happened?” 

“I messed up Min. I was so bloody stupid! He just kept giving me mixed signals, how was I supposed to know? I don't even bloody know if he's into boys! Let alone me specifically,” Newt puffed, angry at himself. 

“Hey, Newt take a deep breath and calm down. All joking aside, whatever happened it can't have been that bad,” Minho reassured, putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder to calm him down. Newt stared into his cup for a moment, debating whether or not he should actually tell Minho what he did. 

“I kissed him Minho. I bloody kissed Thomas,” he said simply, looking up at Minho, who leaned back in his chair. 

“…I guess he didn't take it well then,” he responded.

“No he didn't. He just stared at me with a blank expression and didn't say anything. It was like nothing had even happened,” Newt told. 

“I don't suppose this helps much, but I'm pretty sure that was his first kiss. Maybe he just didn't know how to react?” The teen explained. 

“Well shuck. You have a girlfriend, what do you think I should do?” He asked. 

“I don't know, that's never happened to me. You should probably talk to him though. If nothing more, he's your friend and you can't throw that away just because of an awkward kiss,” Minho suggested. 

“Yeah, I just hope I didn't ruin our friendship. Please promises me you won't tell anyone about this, I don't need it going around.  And Thomas certainly doesn't need to know I told you!” Newt sighed. 

“Yeah of course. I won't tell anyone, except Sonya!” The teen smirked. 

“No don't you dare! She'd tell Harriet who would talk to Thomas! I'm already embarrassed enough please don't,” Newt begged. 

“Don't worry shank, I'm not that mean. I won't tell.”


~Thomas's pov~

Thomas was unaware of how long he sat, wallowing in his own misery. Only the gentle pawing of Brenda snapped him out of his stupor. He considered calling Minho, but there was no way he could live through the future taunts. Harriet and Alby were off limits too. There was only one person who knew of his crush on Newt, and that was Chuck. 

It took Ava a minute to open her door, but she let Thomas in as soon as she did. 

“Thomas welcome. I wasn't expecting you today,” she smiled. 

“Yes, I was just hoping to talk to Chuck for a minute?” He asked. 

“Of course! He's in the dining room finishing homework,” Ava conceded. Thomas nodded in appreciation, and went to find the boy. 

“Thomas, what are you doing here?” Chuck exclaimed when he saw him. 

“He kissed me!” He blurted. 

“What! Who? Newt?” The chubby boy yelled. 

“Shh, don't be so loud! Yes it was Newt,” he sighed, slumping into the chair next to Chuck. 

“Oh my gosh that's awesome! Why don't you look like it's awesome?” He questioned. 

“Because I messed up Chucky. I was so stunned I couldn't respond, and then he freaked and ran out,” Thomas confessed. 

“Thomas, you mean to tell me you had your chance, but you friendzoned him!” The kid exclaimed. 

“That's one way to put it I guess. I was just so surprised, I had never even considered anything happening between us that I froze,” he mumbled. 

“Well this changes everything right? You can just go explain to him what happened and then you can date!” Chuck suggested. 

“It's not that simple Chuck, we’re not little kids! I can't just expect to turn around, say sorry, and then magically everything will work out,” Thomas snapped. 

“Fine, sorry for looking at the glass half full. Guess I'll just go back to my little kid stuff and stop trying to help!” He rebuked, and turned away from Thomas. 

“Sorry, I didn't mean… I'm just confused and embarrassed about this whole thing, ok?” Thomas tried. 

“Yeah, whatever. Congrats on him liking you back,” Chuck sighed, rolling his eyes. Thomas just nodded and showed himself out. There was no point in trying to have a conversation with Chuck when he got like this. Thomas felt bad for insulting Chuck, but sometimes when the only person you hang out with is a kid it's hard not to get frustrated. 

He had the urge to call or text Newt, but whatever conversation they were going to have should probably happen in person. He didn't know what was going to happen next, and he hated it. At least when his feelings appeared one sided he had some control. But now he didn't know what to do. 

So once again he did the only thing he knew, and that was his homework. If there was one constant Thomas could rely on it would be the presence of homework. Not that he liked it. It was overwhelming and stressful more often than not, but it was able to keep him busy when he just didn't want to think anymore. Thomas supposed it was the same sort of thing Newt did. Everything he knew about the boy, and what he just confessed only hours ago, suggested that his own coping methods involved cigarettes and motorcycles. 

Yet again they were opposites. Thomas buried himself with work, even considered a career that did just that. Whereas Newt distanced himself from it and just tried to escape everything. 

After working himself past the point of hand cramps and the realization that his bedroom ceiling was definitely more interesting than his history textbook, Thomas decided to stop. A peek down the darkened hall told him his parents had already gone to bed, his light the only thing illuminating the area. Thomas packed his stuff up and crawled into his bed. He only needed to survive Friday before the weekend came. 


Thomas didn't need to look up to know it was Newt who entered the classroom almost 20 minutes late. He did anyway. The blond looked especially tired, although it was obvious he tried to hide it. When their eyes met Newt’s face lit up, like he was happy to see Thomas before darkening again quickly. It was as if Newt had forgotten their current, messed up, status before being overcome with disappointment and embarrassment. 

When the bell rang to start lunch Thomas hesitantly went to his locker. Shortly after Newt appeared at his own locker down the hall. He completed his business quickly and without glancing at Thomas he turned towards the parking lot door. Thomas sighed, it was probably better this way than pretending everything was normal with Minho around. 

Thomas went to the courtyard and smiled when he saw Minho and and his girlfriend sitting together at the bench. 

“Hey Thomas! I hope you don't mind if Sonya joins us today,” Minho greeted. 

“Of course not! How are ya doing blondy?” Thomas replied cheerfully as he sat down. He was happy to have the extra distraction. 

“Good! I haven't seen you and Newt sense, like Minho’s track meet! Speaking of that, where is Newt?” She asked. 

“Oh um, I think I saw him going to the parking lot. I don't think he’s eating with us today. Anyways, are you ready for that science test tomorrow?” Thomas said, hoping to change the subject. Minho looked about to say something, but oddly he didn't. 

“I hope I am! You're going to tell me about it after you take it right? I don't have science until seventh period,” Sonya continued. 

“Definitely!” He agreed, happy no further questions about Newt were asked. Maybe I can get through lunch without constantly thinking about him. 

“So how are things going with the chess club? Harriet told me that you were trying to teach Newt to play.” Or maybe not. 

“Yeah, he had his heart set on joining the club even though he wasn't very good. He's getting there though!” Thomas forced a smile. Despite the fact that they didn't do any work yesterday, Thomas could tell Newt was making progress and would only continue to do so. That is if he even wanted to anymore. If they couldn't even look each other in the eye how were they supposed to function as club members. Newt probably wouldn't want Thomas to teach him anymore, extra instruction he would definitely need if he wanted to continue in the club. 

Thomas shook his thoughts away and joined in the conversation his friends were having. He just hopped he could get through the hour without everything reminding him of Newt. 


After school Thomas walked to his locker and paused, watching Newt from down the hall. He really wanted to talk to him, but it didn't feel right. They seemed to have an unspoken agreement not to talk to each other that Thomas was sworn to. What would he say anyway? ‘Hi I just wanted to tell you I actually have a huge crush on you, but I'm stupid so when you kissed me I froze. We good?’ Yeah right. Thomas finally stopped staring and walked out of the school.