September 2, 2015

Maze Runner fanfiction - "The Choice part 2.5" no spoilers

Here is the other part 2 for "The Choice" I hope you like it! Which one do you like better?
click here for a link to "The Choice"
click here for a link to "The choice part 2"

Maze Runner The Choice part 2.5

Thomas sat in the dead heads thinking about what happened that day. Why had he kissed Newt, if he was with Teresa. Why did Newt kissed him? And Teresa, with her beautiful black hair and blue eyes. He hated hurting her. Newt was his best friend, he couldn't be with him, could he? And how would their friendship be affected by what happened?

All these questions raised through his mind until he finally went to get super. Chuck told him Alby was looking for whoever beat up Newt, because Newt wouldn't say who did it; but Thomas wasn't really listening.

Latter that night, Thomas couldn't fall asleep. Teresa wouldn't talk to him, which didn't help Thomas make his decision. He wasn't sure how he felt about Newt, he still wanted to be mad but how could he be, and how long had Newt liked him? The moment Thomas saw Teresa come up in the box, he had felt a connection to her. There was also the feeling of her presence in his mind. The telepathy was strange, but nice. Before sleep could take him, Thomas made up his mind. He didn't know what he was doing when he kissed Newt, they weren't real feelings. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If only he could convince Teresa he was sorry, and hope his friendship with Newt wouldn't be affected. Maybe they could forget the kissing ever happened.

The next day Thomas found Newt, he wanted to tell him first.

"Oh, hey Tommy. Is Teresa ok?"

"I don't know, she won't talk to me." Thomas paused. There was no good way to say this. "Newt, about yesterday... I'm sorry shank. I didn't know what I was doing. I hope it won't affect our friendship," Thomas looked at the ground.

"Oh, ok... I get it. I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry," Newt was hurt. He was foolish to think the two of them could be together. Thomas just didn't love him in the same way he did.

"I'm sorry man," Thomas turned and walked away.

"Teresa, please meet me in the dead heads, I really need to talk with you," Teresa didn't reply and he could only hope she would come. He waited in the back of the forest, wringing his hands. Sure, he could just talk to her telepathically, but he wanted to do this in person. She walked up to him from behind the trees.


"Ok, I'm just going to say it, so hear me out. I'm sorry for yesterday, I didn't know what I was doing. I had so many emotions inside me and I wasn't thinking straight. I shouldn't have kissed Newt, it was a stupid, spur-of-the-moment… thing that shouldn't have happened. You have every right to be mad at me, but I can't stand us not talking," Teresa looked at him, thinking.

"I'm not, mad at you... I'm just hurt that this even happened! I know you didn't mean it, but I can't just forget what happened." Thomas wasn't sure what this meant for them. He walked up to Teresa and she let him take her hand, but when he leaned in to kiss her cheek she pulled away. This was going to take time, but Thomas was willing to see it through.